The police on Wednesday arraigned four students of University of Lagos (UNILAG), Akoka, for allegedly belonging to a secret cult known as Aloral Bucania.
Raheem Yusuf (21), Adedoyin Adeyemi Abraham (24), Olanrewaju Idowu (36), and Safraini Oluyemi Peters (24) were arrested by policemen from the State Criminal Investigation and Intelligence Department (SCIID), Panti, Yaba.
“The quartet at about 9.30am, in Room 318, Biobaku Hall of UNILAG, , conspired among themselves to commit an offence likely to cause a breach of public peace,” police said.
They were arraigned before Chief Magistrate Oluwayemisi Adelaja on Charge No: D/45/2016.
They are standing trial on a two-count charge of conspiracy to cause breach of public peace and belonging to an unlawful and secret society.
The prosecutor, Mr. Adebayo Oladele, told the court that the offences were contrary to and punishable under Sections 409 and 42(a)(b) of the Criminal Laws of Lagos State, 2011.
The defendants pleaded not guilty to the charge
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